Spring Tomorrow
The weather recently has been stunning, more like summer than winter. Our ground temperature is currently 12.1 deg C, over 2 deg higher than this time last year. So Iris planted 3 rows of potatoes over a week ago, and today planted carrots, parsnips and radishes. Iris’s diar tells us she is about three weeks earlier with first planting than usual. We usually cover our vegetable garden with black polythene this time of year to keep excessive rain off, and also to lift the ground temperature. Really not necessary as
lawn (uncovered) and garden are currently the same temp. But we do cover new seeds as protection from hungry garden birds. Iris also has boards down, with damp newspaper under. Slugs will hide under the paper and so can be captured and disposed of. This is all part of trying to lift our share of the 3 way split in an Island garden…. a third for the birds, a third for the bugs, and we get the rest.
Grumpy Birds
We put out food for our local birds. Mainly Tui, Kaka, occasionally Bellbirds and Waxeyes. And I have to say we spend too much time watching the entertainment that tui and kaka give us. Tui are VERY aggressive, and seldom tolerate even other Tui in “their” feed tree. The males are worse than the smaller females, but will even drive them away at times. Kaka are several time larger than tui, and are quite capable of killing a tui with their beak. They do retaliate, and at time I swear they are just playing mind games with the Tui, although in the end will fly away, leaving the Tui in command of the sugar water bowl
…. Peter & Iris, Sails Ashore
11 View St,
Stewart Island,
[email protected]